Meet The New YouTube, Same As The Old YouTube (And Perhaps The Older YouTube As Well)

This video is from October of 2006.

This video is from last Sunday.  😛

So, a little over SEVEN YEARS LATER, YouTube continues to have the exact same problem with their systems to police their content being abused by malicious people who exploit them.

Actually I believe I’ve heard ReviewTechUSA mention taking down some of his videos once because of the threat of false flaggers – in 2013, so this problem might even be still around today despite YouTube threatening to ban people who abuse the flagging system.

TotalBiscuit has a point about how YouTube’s “Shoot First Ask Questions Later” strike system not only isn’t going to work well in the long run, but can actually intimidate people out of making videos on YouTube, but he’s not the only one who has said something like that.  When there are direct parallels across over half a decade of this site’s existence, I think there’s more going on than meets the eye here.  :-\

Maybe one of these years Google will take a hint.  :-\  At the rate we’re going, perhaps I may even be able to say “one of these decades” too.  :-\

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